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cat health and safety

Taking the cat to the vet – Vet Visit 

  • 11 min read

Taking a fearful and possibly sick cat to the pet doctor often results in stress for humans and animals. For your cat, a visit to the pet doctor means that he has to leave his usual surroundings. This fact alone causes stress in cats, as our cats are sensitive creatures of habit and they are reluctant to leave… 

Can I Give My Cat Bottled Water?

  • 12 min read

Can cats drink sparkling water? Is carbon dioxide harmful? A regular water source is just as important for house cats as it is for us humans. Some cats don’t just limit themselves to tap water, but also like to drink sparkling water – if you let them. But are cats even allowed to drink sparkling bottled water? Or… 

Cat Walking in Circles Disoriented – Causes and Treatment 

  • 19 min read

Disorientation in cats Cats normally have excellent orientation. Their location memory is well developed, meaning they can easily return home when traveling longer distances. If a cat appears disoriented , certain behavior indicates an illness. Older cat find their way around their environme5nt more slowly. For example, you suffer from cognitive dysfunction. If the cat runs in circles disoriented, the behavior may… 

Cat Fleas: Detecting and Effectively Combating Fleas from Stray Cats

  • 20 min read

Recognize and effectively combat fleas on cats Cat pest are multiplying rapidly. If there is suspicion of an plague, for example because the cat scratches itself more frequently and extensively than before, action should be taken quickly. If leeches can already be observed in the fur, the leech has already spread significantly. But even if no leeches are… 

Cats Sedatives for Travel 

  • 8 min read

Take your cat on vacation with cat sedatives for travel Are you taking your cat with you on vacation? First, we advise you to consider whether this will make your car travel happy. A cat is a real creature of habit and prefers to stay in its familiar surroundings. Someone who can feed and care… 

How many Cats is Actually too many? And How do you Take Care of Multiple Cats?

  • 16 min read

The character of the crazy cat lady who lives alone in her apartment with a bunch of cats is no longer necessarily used as a negative stereotype these days. On the contrary, some people even celebrate this lifestyle on the internet and in pop culture. But when does such a love of cats become more…