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Behavior and Training

Prepare your cat for travel with our behavior and training tips. From crate training to managing anxiety, we’ve got the advice you need.

Why Are Cats Active at Night?

  • 11 min read

Scratching at the door, kicking the pillow or the cat’s rude attempts to wake you up with its paw in the cat friend’s face: it can happen that a house cat doesn’t want to accept that the person is sleeping at night. If the cat is new to the household or has to cope with… 

Outdoor Cats: What you should Know to Keep Outdoor Cat Safe?

  • 20 min read

Outdoor cats: This is what you should know Cats that can move freely outside and do whatever they want lead full lives. You arrive home balanced and satisfied. There they enjoy the comfort of their “own four walls”, the peace and security in a cozy bed and the cuddles of their two-legged friend. Fully fed, they will soon… 

Maine Coon vs. Norwegian Forest Cat: What’s the Difference?

  • 11 min read

The Norwegian Forest Cat and the Maine Coon are believed to be related, with the Norwegian Forest Cat most likely being the ancestor of the Maine Coon. They share many common characteristics that support this theory, especially physical. Both cats are large breeds with easy-care, long, silky coats. Both can be outgoing and friendly, but the Maine… 

Cat Walking in Circles Disoriented – Causes and Treatment 

  • 19 min read

Disorientation in cats Cats normally have excellent orientation. Their location memory is well developed, meaning they can easily return home when traveling longer distances. If a cat appears disoriented , certain behavior indicates an illness. Older cat find their way around their environme5nt more slowly. For example, you suffer from cognitive dysfunction. If the cat runs in circles disoriented, the behavior may…